Agriculture In The Classroom

Agriculture-in-the-Classroom is a fundamental part of Farm Bureau's education efforts to share the story of agriculture's important role in our daily lives. This program's outreach affects thousands of teachers, students, and parents each year. In Stephenson County, this effort is coordinated through the Stephenson County Farm Bureau. Debbie Steinbach is the Agriculture Literacy Coordinator for the Stephenson County Farm Bureau Foundation and can be reached at 815-232-3186 or [email protected].

Ag In The Classroom Newsletters

210 W. Spring St.
Freeport, IL 61032

Phone: 815-232-3186
Fax: 815-232-0016
[email protected]
Stephenson County Farm Bureau(R) is affiliated with the Illinois Farm Bureau(R). Illinois Farm BureauĀ® is a member of the American Farm Bureau FederationĀ®, a national organization of farmers and ranchers including Farm Bureaus in all 50 states and Puerto Rico, and is responsible for Farm BureauĀ® membership and programs within Illinois.
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