October 14, 2024

Coffee and Conversations with Victoria Hansen

I am sure this is common with others as it is for me: as a kid, tween and teen I often became involved with things because someone in my family had done them previously. I joined 4-H because my mother had been a member and my grandma a local club leader. During my time in 4-H I showed dogs, rabbits, participated in childcare and development and did cooking projects. For those who are not familiar, “4-H is delivered by Cooperative Extension- a community of more than 100 public universities across the nation that provides experiences where young people learn by doing. For more than 100 years, 4-H has welcomed young people of all beliefs and backgrounds, giving kids a voice to express who they are and how they make their lives and communities better” according to www.4-h.org. Last week, October 7-12 the nation celebrated National 4-H week.  In celebration of that we’d like to thank the staff and the volunteers who make 4-H in our county possible for our youth. If you have kids and want to learn more, visit www.4-h.org for more information.

Trip Announcements: Recently, we have had a lot of questions regarding when we will announce the 2025 trip schedule. We are excited to share that during the Stephenson County Farm Bureau open house Friday, November 1 from 9:00a.m.-4:00p.m. and Saturday, November 2 from 8:00a.m.-noon. at our office, we will have information on all the trips we have scheduled so far next year. For Carroll County members we will announce those trips on our Facebook/website on Friday, November 1st. The only trip we won’t have details for is our Cubs verse Brewer trip.  That will wait until Friday, February 7 at 8:00a.m. If you have questions, please reach out to your county Farm Bureau: Carroll at 815-244-3001 and Stephenson at 815-232-3186. 

Nuts and Candies orders Due Friday, October 18: Back by popular demand both counties will be accepting Terri Lynn Nuts and Candies orders on or before October 18. Popular items available to order include Giant Cashews, Fancy Mammoth Pecans halves, Black Walnut pieces, Milk Chocolate Bridge Mix, Deluxe mixed nuts, fancy colossal pistachios and much more. To view our entire order list visit either county websites www.carrollcfb.org or www.stephensoncfb.org or either Facebook pages. If you don’t see something on our order form that you were looking for let us know. For questions or additional items please call your county Farm Bureau, Carroll at 815-244-3001 or Stephenson at 815-232-3186. Items will be ready to pick up the third week in November.  Additional pickup details can be found on the order forms.

Illinois Farm Bureau Young Leaders Named Excellence in Ag, Achievement Award Winners: A Montgomery County couple and a Henry County ag advocate were recently named winners of prestigious Illinois Farm Bureau Young Leader awards. Ethan and Katie Brown, who raise pigs and grow corn and soybeans in Montgomery County, received the Young Leader Achievement Award, which recognizes Farm Bureau members between the ages of 18 and 35 for efforts in production agriculture, leadership abilities and involvement in Young Leaders and other organizations. Winners must earn their primary income from production agriculture. “Advocacy for our family means more than just having a presence online,” said Katie Brown. “While platforms like YouTube and social media play a big role in sharing our agricultural story, we also believe in being active in our local community. By volunteering at county events and supporting our state agricultural organizations, we can make a direct, hands-on impact where it counts most.” Sadie Asher of Henry County was named winner of the Young Leader Excellence in Agriculture award. The Excellence in Agriculture award recognizes Young Leaders who are actively contributing and growing their involvement in IFB and the agriculture industry. Asher and her husband, Shane, are growing a Christmas tree farm and agri-tourism attraction in Henry County. Asher served as the 2023 IFB state Young Leader Committee chair. She also recently participated in IFB’s docuseries titled, “Fields Apart: Rooted Together,” which highlights the challenges and similarities between rural and urban farmers. “The three-part docuseries shows the differences between rural and urban growers and more importantly, the similarities that bind us,” Asher said of the project. “In my segment, I talked about the hardships that young up-and-coming farmers face and my goals for the Back 20. Securing land and money is a hurdle for urban growers, just like their rural counterparts. “Although very different operations, rural and urban growers have common goals: produce safe and healthy food, better our communities, and leave something behind for the next generation.” The winners will be recognized during IFB’s annual meeting Dec. 7-10 in Chicago. They will go on to represent Illinois at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Young Farmers and Ranchers national competition Jan. 24-29 in San Antonio, Texas.

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210 W. Spring St.
Freeport, IL 61032

Phone: 815-232-3186
Fax: 815-232-0016
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Stephenson County Farm Bureau(R) is affiliated with the Illinois Farm Bureau(R). Illinois Farm Bureau® is a member of the American Farm Bureau Federation®, a national organization of farmers and ranchers including Farm Bureaus in all 50 states and Puerto Rico, and is responsible for Farm Bureau® membership and programs within Illinois.
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